Thursday, May 19, 2011

Now the Rest of the List!!

In my last post I shared my #1 person from the Second Millennium now I will share the rest of the top ten.

2.  Martin Luther:  His 95 Theses and his promotion of church reform launched the Protestant Reformation and helped lead to separation of Church and State, Nationalism, the Rise of Absolute Monarchy, and the End of Western Christian Unity.

3.  Galileo Galilei:   He invented the astronomical telescope, and made valuable contributions to mathematics and physics.  But, his true significance is his insistence that truth that can be proven experimentally should trump dogma.  His views helped usher in the Modern Scientific Age.

4.  William Shakepeare:  His plays are more than "High Culture."  His plays were originally entertainment for the common guy.  His Globe Theatre was the Sports Bar of his day.  Today his works are quoted more than any other English works other than the King James Bible.

5.  Sir Isaac Newton:  Gravity, Calculus, Motion, and Optics.  Need I say more?

6.  Charles Darwin:  Regardless of your personal beliefs concerning his Theory of Evolution, you have to admit it has changed the world we live in forever.

7.  Leonardo Da Vinci:  Artist and truly original Renaissance Man.

8.  Ludwig Van Beethoven:  He changed music as much in his time as Elvis did and his music still has an important place in our culture today.

9.  Napoleon Bonaparte:  The greatest general in the Second Millennium.

10.  Albert Einstein: E=mc2 

Well now its your turn to tell me if you agree of disagree.

1 comment:

  1. Really, Bonaparte above Einstein? One waged war while the other spearheaded the movement for a nuclear regulatory commission?
